1. No, you do not need a paid account to use MishBuddy! MishBuddy was designed for pulling Rubi-Ka missions so it is just as essential for free and paid accounts.
2. MishBuddy Free is available for download free. The more richly featured Mish Buddy Plus is available for a modest fee.
3. MishBuddy Plus costs $9.95 U.S. to register.
4. No, you can register and then download the software.
5. MishBuddy Plus has so many more features. The free version is fully functional and in no way a trial version. The Plus version adds more functionality and features.
6. There is always a possibility that Anarchy Online could have a patch that would require MishBuddy to also have an update. If this should happen there is a free patch facility built into Mish Buddy.
7. When not pulling missions you can simply use the “Roll up” feature in Mish Buddy to roll MishBuddy up to the size of its title bar. This allows you to easily move Mish Buddy out of the way.
8. MishBuddy works on Windows XP - 10 (32/64).
Download our FREE version of MishBuddy and take it for a test drive today!
"Now I don't need to make sure of the exact spelling of something to get a match in the mission terminal"